Sunday, March 7, 2010

Visual Response

So in the spirit of collaboration, I thought I would visually respond to Lauren's poem. This illustration is the first reaction I had to the piece. I liked the temperature of the piece. I felt cold while reading it. I looked at the nightingale as hope. I think we visualize hope in the many forms of institutions (such as college), friends, parties, presidents, so it's subjective. We control our hope and what we want it or ourselves to be. I mean I could be COMPLETELY wrong about the whole nightingale thing, but art is made to be adapted and the author will never fully be able to control what the reader interprets it as. One reader, one hope, one idea.

1 comment:

  1. This makes me so happy. Yep. There's something about snow that I really love to write about (Midwest thing, much?) and I like this, the feeling I get. It's an odd, but sort of lovely feeling to stand outside in the snow late at night as it falls. I get that from the picture.
